In a Word. . . Abundance!

It wasn’t too long ago that I saw the morning forecast for Rochester.  Scrolling across my television screen was the prediction for “abundant sunshine”.  Wow, what a great day to look forward to.  And, I thought what a great word… abundant.  Frankly, this is not something I say in regular conversation.  Being an active user of Google, I sought to determine what that word was all about. 

It means to be plentiful and overflowing and profuse and bountiful.  I like it!  It caused me to think about what might be abundant in my life.  It was a pretty intriguing concept.

And, of course, I thought some about what might be abundant here at Webster Montessori School.  We are now a few weeks into the school year.  It has been my pleasure to meet so many new families and children and welcome back good friends.  I am happy to report we are a community with many things in abundance.

I have seen abundant joy on the faces of the children.  I have found abundant opportunity in each classroom.  I discovered there is abundant learning available to each child.  I appreciate abundant friendships being strengthened each day.  I predict a year of abundance in our community.

Yes, I like this word.  Join me in celebrating all we have!

Back to School & Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Wait you say. It’s not January, it’s September. Before you begin to worry that one too many days in the sun this summer has left me confused, let me tell you what I mean.

September and “Back to School” is a busy time for families and a time that I think children and parents view very differently.

For parents, September might come with a sigh of relief. It is a return to a more predictable, scheduled routine. For parents, September might not feel like such a significant new start; it’s just another month with work to be done, errands to run, and tasks to complete.

As a child, this feels more like New Year's than January does. This is when things begin anew. They are getting new shoes, new clothes, and maybe a new backpack. This is when they might have a new room, a new teacher, and meet new friends. For children, this is a fresh beginning, the time to start new habits, a time of significant change. Children experience January as a return to the same routine, classroom, teacher, and friends they left just a week or two earlier. September is their New Year.

Keeping these different perspectives in mind will help you navigate the next few weeks. Celebrate the excitement of a fresh start with your child. Enjoy their anticipation of new things to learn and the goals they have in mind for themselves. Also be aware that a new start can cause anxiety for many children. Be patient as they adjust to new routines and more structured days.

As a school, we are very much in tune with your children. Keep the lines of communication open as we build a strong support system for them.

And, let’s join together in saying Happy New Year!!